Tuesday 5 March 2013

What are the problems with 'Big' media?

Broadcasters make billions in profits while using while using public airways for free, they are supposed to provide programming that fulfil community needs. Instead, lobbyists have successfully fought to make it easier for broadcast companies to gobble up even more free airspace. No diversity so we get the same coverage with no depth and which also makes the media a lot easier to control and manipulate. It is too commercial It is all about what the audience wants not the stories of the day.

Is British Film dead?

British film is dead and has been for the last 30 years. The US has become dominant when it comes to making films. It is generally cheaper to film in the US then in the UK (30% cheaper). Funding from foreign films with grants and the lottery cash doesn't help the UK BFI in any way.

The US is favoured because its cheaper and the film industry there is thriving along with the fact back in 1988 nobody cared where you filmed.

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