The Bus scene has been successfully filmed but we will need to cut a lot of different footage to make it valid.
The scene when shown in the thriller will start with a side shot of the bus pulling up, then go to a far angle shot showing the front of the bus. It will then return back to the side shot as the bus pulls away showing the antagonist on the other side of the road.
Unlike before, we have positioned the antagonist in front of the house opposite because it has dark colours and the white mask will stand out against the background. This was the problem with the previous footage despite it being recorded over by accident.
Issues: The weather delayed filming as it decided to forecast floods in practically every part of the UK, but Wednesday (28th) was reasonably dry and filming went well with no errors like the last few attempts.
Editing - Wednesday session: Final Cut Express
In the double lesson we added effects to certain transitions between shots to make it flow better. Also adjusted the contrast and light level on two shots because when filming it got dark really quickly and there is a slight light intensity difference, but you can't really notice it when you don't look for it. The effects added have made it look like it leads on from one another and not taken at different times in the day. The main transition effect we used was Addition Dissolve.
We moved the music of the hand hitting the window together and plan to mute the audio below at that point, but the cutting tool went missing so we are going to do that quick adjustments next lesson. Also next lesson we will add in the bus scene finally, so then we have a completed thriller opening.
We added in the titles and put in a effect so it jumps up on the screen and then gently fades out into black at the music ends. It has become quite effective when the hand hits the glass hard and then the titles suddenly appear.
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Final Copy: The red is darker then previous and the background is black |
We had a abrupt discussion which lasted a good twenty minutes concerning the dialogue, as we had different ideas. With the music and the memento, the music was to flow with the footage their was a debate on whether to use the dialogue or not. Abigail said it would look naff and not go well with the thriller and their was no point in recording it, where as Becky and myself said to record it anyway. We said this because even if we don't use it, it would be a good idea on to know how it sounds like and then we can put in a detailed analysis on why it didn't work and their is always a slim chance the dialogue will fit in with it. If not we can work around it.